About The Pastor

Our Pastors, Dwayne &
Cindy Daigle, Answered the call
to serve Iowa in 1997. They
have a passion for reaching
people with the life changing
the Word of God. Their faith is
active and miracles happen
Their family of
four grown children and two
granddaughters gives them
insight and appreciation
for the Bible applied
in daily life. Their passion is to
see others have an appetite for the
living Word of God, helping others find
their names also written in the
Lamb's book of Life.
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Meet The Staff
Our Ministry Team is made from people who became disciples of Jesus and have a burden to expand the kingdom. They are sons & daughters of God who volunteer their abilities to serve the body of Christ in the local church. They are passionate, faithful & dedicated.
What we believe

Fallen and seperated the natural state of humanity is disconected and lost.But not abandoned as the Father beacons that we be reconnected and made complete again. Those who do not know Him can not understand the things of God not know His Love though they may be the object of his affection. Held captive to sins bondage & death. Some will cry out to God for mercy and recieve His grace.
"The Spirit of the Lord is apon me for He has annointed me to preach good news to set the captive free.".
God's rescue is available to all. The work Christ completed at his resurrection made a way for any who would follow Him. (More...)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begoten son that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but would have eternal life." John 3:16